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Top 5 Most In-Demand Professions In Croatia

Croatia boasts stunning landscapes, a rich cultural history, and a rapidly growing economy. Each year, more investors and tourists are drawn to Croatia, increasing the demand for workers in various fields. In today’s world, choosing the right career path is crucial, so it’s worth considering which professions are most sought after in this country. Let’s…

June 22, 2024
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Validity Of Work Permit In Poland

A work permit serves as official authorization for a foreign national to engage in employment within a specific country. However, not every circumstance involving a foreign individual necessitates the acquisition of a work permit. As stipulated in Article 87, Sections 2 through 4, of the Act of 20th April 2004 concerning employment promotion and labor…

May 15, 2024
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Best ways to Immigrate to Portugal In 2024

  Portugal, a country nestled on the Iberian Peninsula, captivates with its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes. From the charming cobbled streets of Lisbon to the serene vineyards of the Douro Valley, Portugal offers a tapestry of experiences. Its coastal allure beckons with golden beaches along the Algarve and picturesque fishing villages like…

May 11, 2024
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Top 5 Seasonal Work Permit Program In 2024

In this article, we’ll delve into the top 5 European work permit programs in 2024 designed for individuals pursuing unskilled employment opportunities, offering insights beyond the pathways typically explored by skilled professionals. Germany: Seasonal Worker Visa Germany offers a Seasonal Worker Visa, enabling individuals to engage in agricultural, forestry, or tourism-related jobs for a temporary…

May 4, 2024
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How to apply for Work Permit in Italy

The Italy work visa process stands out for its relative simplicity compared to other countries. It’s one of the easiest work visa to acquire in Europe. Once you secure your work visa allowing travel to Italy, you must apply for the Permesso di Soggiorno (residence permit) within 8 days. About Italy Italy is renowned for…

April 16, 2024
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Benefits of Seasonal Job In Europe

Starting a seasonal job in Europe opens doors to a myriad of enriching experiences and valuable opportunities. Beyond the financial benefits, such positions offer a unique blend of cultural immersion, skill development, and adventure. Whether you’re working in hospitality, tourism, agriculture, or other sectors, a seasonal job in Europe promises to be a rewarding journey…

April 13, 2024
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Top 10 Reasons Why You should Move To Croatia

Croatia, situated in Southeast Europe along the Adriatic Sea, blends ancient charm with modern appeal. Influenced by Roman, Venetian, and Ottoman legacies, its architecture, cuisine, and culture fascinate visitors. The dazzling coastline offers clear waters, scenic islands, and sandy beaches, perfect for beachgoers and water lovers. Inland, medieval towns, UNESCO sites, and lush parks showcase…

April 3, 2024
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Document of Work Permit in Poland type A – explain with sample
A work permit is a document that authorizes a foreigner to work legally in Poland.   Carries out work in the Republic of Poland under an employment contact or a civil law contract with an employer whose residence is on the territory of the Republic of Poland – in this case the foreigner is issued...
April 25, 2020
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Common Work Visa Interview questions in the Embassy
In this article, we will give you the most common questions you can hear on Visa interview for work purpose. A lot of our clients keep asking us how to prepare yourself for work visa interview questions in the embassy. We will give you tips how to increase your chance to get the visa. Very...
October 10, 2019
Work in Poland without a permit A – Categories of foreigners
Categories of foreigners who can work in Poland without a permit A A foreigner may  work in Poland without a permit A or a temporary residence and work permit if: has refugee status granted in the Republic of Poland; he was granted subsidiary protection in the Republic of Poland; has a permanent residence permit in...
October 4, 2019
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Legal work permit – how to check what legal permit must contain

A lot of people are writing to us asking if they work permits are legal. That’s why we are decided to create this article to dispel all of the doubts. In this section, you can read what legal work permit should contain.

March 14, 2019
Blue Card – what kind of document it is and how to receive it

Blue card is a document established by Council Directive allowing qualified non-EU workers to stay and work in the territory of any UE Member State except Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom.

February 28, 2019
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Health insurance in Poland – public and private

Health insurance in Poland is insurance in case of illness, accident, injury, poisoning, life threatening condition, etc. To be able to use such insurance, you must pay monthly contribution under the insurance contract.

February 11, 2019
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How to appeal a consul’s decision – application for reconsideration

In the case of refusal to Visa application, the applicant receives information in writing about the reason for the decision. From the moment of receipt the decision issued by the consul, he / she can appeal a consul’s decision.

February 6, 2019
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Polish Visa Type D (National) how you can receive it

Among all the European countries Poland has one of the most attractive job market. Every year the number of foreigners coming to Poland is increasing.

January 21, 2019
Unemployment rate in Poland – one of the lowest in Europe

Did you know that Poland has one of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe? Registered unemployment in 2018 is lowering to record rank this year and it keeps getting better. It is come from economic development, which helps create new places of employment.

January 7, 2019
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Company Formation in Poland – what are the rules

Setting up a company in a different country may seems like a big challenge but in reality, it is not that hard. You only need to know the rules. Read our article to know more about starting business in Poland and why it is worth it.

January 2, 2019
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Migrating to Poland : A Detailed Analysis for Non-EU Residents

Migrating to Poland can be a great adventure, but it also has its challenges. Choosing to live in Poland, especially if you don’t have Polish roots or connections and know nothing about the country, will likely involve a steep learning curve.

March 29, 2017
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Stay legally in Poland – tips for relocating foreigners

Being a foreigner from a country outside the EEA (EU + Norway, Lichtenstein, Iceland and Switzerland) means that you need to fulfil a few legal obligations in order to stay legally in Poland.

March 26, 2017
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Poland: Hot favourite for Indian Workers in Europe

Traditionally, Poland has not been considered a very popular destination for Indian immigrants because of language issues. However, that perception is fast changing. In fact, lately the governments of both countries have felt the need for greater movement of Indian workers — both skilled and unskilled — to Poland. The Indian and the Polish governments have been having talks regarding the migration of Indian Skilled work force into Poland.

January 30, 2017
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Eastern immigrants to fill labour gap in Poland?

Why encourage immigrants to seek employment in Poland? The answer to this question lies in demographic forecasts prepared by the Central Statistical Office (GUS). By 2060, the working age population will diminish by 6.7 million compared with 2015. And if the retirement age is lowered, the decrease will amount to as many as eight million people.

January 7, 2017
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