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Employees from various countries, enjoying the low unemployment in Poland and the fact that you can easily find a job here.

Unemployment rate in Poland – one of the lowest in Europe

Did you know that Poland has one of the lowest unemployment rate in Europe? Registered unemployment in 2018 is lowering to record rank this year and it keeps getting better. It is come from economic development, which helps create new places of employment. It has also cause transformation in employer’s behaviour. A lot of them started adding job offers in employment centres. It is a great opportunity for foreigners who wants to immigrate to Poland. Good economic situation in this country has led to a bigger jobs vacancy and employers have some trouble to find employees that they need.

Unemployment rate in October 2018 was 5.7 percent. This is the best result of the domestic labour market for this month in 28 years. The last lowest unemployment rate was recorded in October 1990. The number of unemployed people is still falling and there are more and more vacancies.

The labour market is in excellent condition. The unemployment rate is at a record low. Looking at the October data from the regions, we are happy that unemployment is falling in the majority of provinces – says the Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy Elżbieta Rafalska.

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What about unemployment among young people? The lowest number of unemployed among young people is in Germany – 6.2 percent. Poland is on fifth position with youth unemployment at the level of 9.7 percent. But in other European countries unemployment rate among young people is still a big problem, in Greece unemployment rate reached 39 percent, also in Italy and Spain it cross over 30 percent. One of the options for young people who can’t find a job in their own country is start looking for opportunities in another, with better economic situation. In comparison with the last year in Poland number of young unemployed people also decreased. In October 2017, the unemployed under the age of 25 were 192 thousand (unemployment rate at 14.5%). In October this year there were 163 thousand of them (12.7%).

The low unemployment rate is a statement of big economic change Poland has made over last years, and current good state of the economy. But how the unemployment rate in Poland compares to other European Union countries? Eurostat has published a communication saying that the unemployment rate in Poland at the end of September 2018, according to the so-called BAEL methods (based on the economic activity of people at working age), amounted to only 3.4 percent. Poland has lower unemployment rate than Spain, which has very high unemployment level, but also for example in comparison to Italy, France, Belgium or Finland.

In the winter season the unemployment rate is usually higher than in the other months. Winter is the time when a lot of works that are outside – in construction or agriculture are stopped until better weather. But this year in Poland, although right now is the winter season we still have very low unemployment rate. According to the Central Statistical Office, the unemployment rate in November was 5.7 percent, the same as in October. Unemployment turned out to be even lower than predicted by some experts.

Economists adds that the situation on the market will probably stays similar in the coming months. He points out that even if the rate of economic growth slows slightly, the demand for employees will probably grow. So, if you are looking for good place to live and work, Poland is a good answer. Our country is called the most affordable growing economy to live in Europe.

Author: The Migration Bureau

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