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Visa interview at the Embassy Consulate for visa type D, working visa to Poland for foreigners.

Common Work Visa Interview questions in the Embassy

In this article, we will give you the most common questions you can hear on Visa interview for work purpose.

A lot of our clients keep asking us how to prepare yourself for work visa interview questions in the embassy. We will give you tips how to increase your chance to get the visa. Very often people making mistakes by coming for work visa interview questions without any earlier preparation, they forgetting the basic information about company and they job position. That’s why it’s so important to be well prepared and don’t forget information in stressful situation. Remember that we are giving you only sample questions and on your visa appointment they can ask you about additional matters.


There is always a reason for every visa rejection. Some common mistakes contribute to negative decision. Right documents are not always enough, you need to notice the importance of personal meeting during work visa interview questions with diplomatic officials and the way you are presenting yourself.


Remember to always be on time and exact date. Being there couple of minutes earlier will help you to calm dawn and relaxed.

Secondly, interviewer will see if you are not well prepared for the work visa interview questions. Your answers should be confident, calm and in point. Don’t wait too much time before you will give answer, it may seem like they are not fully truthful.


On that kind of appointments appearance is also very important. If you look inappropriate to the situation you can make bad impression. Your outfit, body posture and behaviour are telling a lot about you. If you will dress too casually you can make impression that you don’t really care about this appointment.


Also, body posture, your facial expression and voice are very important during answering the questions. If your face is showing fear and uncertainty, interviewer may think that you are not sure about your answers. You should show by your posture that you are confident and your purpose of getting visa is clear. Try to sit natural, keeping your arms open and keeping natural eye contact with the interviewer. Avoiding eye contact is also read as lying or not being trustworthy.


Below you have list of most common questions. Remember that your interview won’t be exactly the same.

1 Who is your employer?

Remember to learn all the details about your future job to answers all the questions confidently and without hesitation. Interview is always stressful situation so make sure you are well prepared and you won’t forget important details. You have to know full name of your company and who will be your boss.

2 What is your salary?

Make sure you know all the details about your earnings. They can ask you what will be your monthly income.

3 Are you married?

Give right answer.

4 Do you have covered medical insurance for this journey?

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5 Do you have a Recommendation Letter from your employer?

You should have with you Recommendation Letter from your employer. In that letter, he should confirm that company wants to hire you and reasons for that. The letter should also give short information of company profile and brief description of your job position.

6 Have you ever travelled outside your country?

Give the true answer. If you have been in other countries before be prepared to answer questions about your trips. They can ask in which countries you have been before, when, what was the reason for your travels and how long you have been outside your country.

7 What are your plans after your return to your country?

Don’t mention that you want to stay in Poland and don’t want to return to your country. You can tell about your family plans, next career steps in your country of origin. You can mention how your experience in Poland will benefits your future career in your country.

8 What do you know about Poland? Why do you choose Poland?

Learn some common facts about Poland and its culture. Give information how this experience will benefit you and reason why you choose Poland.


For example:

Poland is known as a fast-developing country. Second most common language is English so it’s easy to communicate. There are a lot of great job opportunities. I really would like to have chance to experience European job standards and work in multicultural environment.

9 What does your company do?

Make sure you know details about your company’s activity and why your job profile is good for them.

10 What is your educational qualification?

You don’t have to talk about your every school. Choose your higher degree from school or university, tell what was your profile. Mention about your certificates and achievements. It is good if your education has connection with job you want to start abroad.

11 What is your job experience?

Tell the names of the companies when you previously worked and its main activities. Also tell what was your job positions and tasks. It will be good if your new job abroad is connected with your previous job experiences.

12 What is the guarantee that you will come back to your origin country?

If you have family in your country, someone depending on you like children, tell about them and your values. Confirm that after finishing your job contract you want to return to them. Showing ties to your country is important. You can mention about your next career plans. After gaining experience in Poland you want to return to your country and benefit the local market with your new skills. You can give name of the company in your city that you want to start work in after returning back. If you own any property you can tell about it.


If you have papers proving that you own any property in your country, you can take them with you on interview.

13 What are you going to do in Poland?

Tell about your reason for going to Poland. In that case it will be working in a Polish company. You should also explain what motivated you to look for job in Poland not in any other countries.

14 Have you booked your tickets?

You should have with you flight ticket reservation. Remember to know the dates of your trip – when you are going to Poland and when you will return. Also you should know in which airport you will land, how long is the distance between airport and your accommodation. Be sure that your journey is properly planned.

15 How long will you stay in Poland?

You have to know exact dates when your job will start and finish.

16 What is address of your company?

Remember all the details before the interview, be well prepared. It will show that you really want to start this job and purpose of your trip is clear.

17 What is your job profile?

Provide only necessary details. Describe what will be your job position in the new company, tell about all the tasks you will have in your job. Discuss your skills that are needed in this company and why you are the best candidate for that position.

18 Who will take care of your property in your country while you are gone?

You should mention names of the family members of friends who will take care of your house when you will be away. Be prepared that you can be asked about their contact details.

19 How many children do u have? Where are they? What do they do? Are they married?

Remember to give confident answer to all the questions, a hesitant answer can look dishonest during interview.  The way you are presenting yourself and your behaviour matters.


Consul can ask details about your family. If you have children give their names, gender, information about their education.

20 What is your son/daughter's birth date?

Memorize the information, so you don’t forget it during interview. Sometimes people have difficulties to quickly tell all the information, so we are suggesting to spend some time to prepare and not hesitate during interview.

21 Where you will stay in Poland?

Give full address of your accommodation. Remember the distance from accommodation to your work. It will be good if you can show the Accommodation Letter with proof that you are going to stay there.

22 How did you find job in Poland?

Explain what was the process of your recruitment and how did you found out about this job.

For example:

I was a member of the group on Facebook about looking for a job in Poland. There I saw a job offer that suited my skills. I contacted the Employer and then we had Skype conversation and Interview for this job. I made good impression and employer decided that I will be the best person for that position.

23 Please show us your current bank statement.

You should have with you bank statement showing that you have funds to travel to Poland and for all the living expenses. You should have at least 2 000 euros.

Before your appointment try to practice your answers and make sure you know all the important details about your future company, job position and country. Remember to take with you all the needed documentation. Prepare it at least one day earlier and check if you have everything. During interview your answers shouldn’t be too long. Make sure you gave all the needed details and not try to exaggerated answers. If you will follow that tips your visa interview should be successful.

Author: The Migration Bureau

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