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Top Work Permit in the World

Thinking about relocating abroad? Interested in countries with straightforward immigration processes? Join us in this video as we delve into the easiest countries to immigrate to, highlighting their smooth residency and citizenship pathways. Ready to discover your next potential home? Let’s begin our exploration! First on our list is New Zealand. Famous for its stunning…

May 18, 2024
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Validity Of Work Permit In Poland

A work permit serves as official authorization for a foreign national to engage in employment within a specific country. However, not every circumstance involving a foreign individual necessitates the acquisition of a work permit. As stipulated in Article 87, Sections 2 through 4, of the Act of 20th April 2004 concerning employment promotion and labor…

May 15, 2024
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How to apply for Work Permit in Italy

The Italy work visa process stands out for its relative simplicity compared to other countries. It’s one of the easiest work visa to acquire in Europe. Once you secure your work visa allowing travel to Italy, you must apply for the Permesso di Soggiorno (residence permit) within 8 days. About Italy Italy is renowned for…

April 16, 2024
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Document of Work Permit in Poland type A – explain with sample
A work permit is a document that authorizes a foreigner to work legally in Poland.   Carries out work in the Republic of Poland under an employment contact or a civil law contract with an employer whose residence is on the territory of the Republic of Poland – in this case the foreigner is issued...
April 25, 2020
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Work in Poland without a permit A – Categories of foreigners
Categories of foreigners who can work in Poland without a permit A A foreigner may  work in Poland without a permit A or a temporary residence and work permit if: has refugee status granted in the Republic of Poland; he was granted subsidiary protection in the Republic of Poland; has a permanent residence permit in...
October 4, 2019
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Legal work permit – how to check what legal permit must contain

A lot of people are writing to us asking if they work permits are legal. That’s why we are decided to create this article to dispel all of the doubts. In this section, you can read what legal work permit should contain.

March 14, 2019
Work permit in Poland Do you want to work in Poland?
Did you ever thought about working in Poland? Every year more people decide to develop their career in Poland. Why? Living in Poland can be a great adventure. You will have no trouble to communicate because a lot of people speak English. Also, we have low unemployment rate and the salaries are still growing. If...
December 20, 2018