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Top 5 Cities to Study in Europe

Europe offers a plethora of vibrant and academically renowned cities that attract students from all corners of the globe. These cities not only boast top-notch universities but also offer rich cultural experiences, diverse communities, and exciting opportunities for personal and academic growth. From historic capitals to innovative urban centers, Europe’s top cities for studying provide…

April 27, 2024
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Top 10 Reasons Why You should Move To Croatia

Croatia, situated in Southeast Europe along the Adriatic Sea, blends ancient charm with modern appeal. Influenced by Roman, Venetian, and Ottoman legacies, its architecture, cuisine, and culture fascinate visitors. The dazzling coastline offers clear waters, scenic islands, and sandy beaches, perfect for beachgoers and water lovers. Inland, medieval towns, UNESCO sites, and lush parks showcase…

April 3, 2024
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Why should you choose European countries for higher studies?

Choosing European countries for higher studies is a decision that opens doors to a world of opportunities and enriching experiences. Europe boasts a long-standing tradition of academic excellence, with renowned universities offering top-notch education across diverse fields. Here are some compelling reasons why studying in Europe is an excellent choice: Quality Education Europe has many…

March 20, 2024
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Student visa interview in Poland – common questions
  Poland is popular destination not only for tourist reason but also a lot of students from the whole world are coming here for studies. Our country has really well developed system of higher education. We have more than 5000 courses and all of them gained Polish Accreditation Committee’s approval. In Poland, we have over...
October 16, 2019
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Migrating to Poland : A Detailed Analysis for Non-EU Residents

Migrating to Poland can be a great adventure, but it also has its challenges. Choosing to live in Poland, especially if you don’t have Polish roots or connections and know nothing about the country, will likely involve a steep learning curve.

March 29, 2017
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Stay legally in Poland – tips for relocating foreigners

Being a foreigner from a country outside the EEA (EU + Norway, Lichtenstein, Iceland and Switzerland) means that you need to fulfil a few legal obligations in order to stay legally in Poland.

March 26, 2017
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Let’s study in Poland – International Education Fair

Presentations from Foreign and Polish Universities, meetings with experts OKE, workshops career grand finale 25. Ranking of Warsaw high schools and gala of the “Genius Universities” – this and much more happened during the XXV International Exhibition of Educational Perspectives in 2016. More and more foreigners wants to study in Poland.

March 12, 2017
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Poland: Hot favourite for Indian Workers in Europe

Traditionally, Poland has not been considered a very popular destination for Indian immigrants because of language issues. However, that perception is fast changing. In fact, lately the governments of both countries have felt the need for greater movement of Indian workers — both skilled and unskilled — to Poland. The Indian and the Polish governments have been having talks regarding the migration of Indian Skilled work force into Poland.

January 30, 2017
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