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The most desirable fields of study in Poland 2022

  • The Migration Bureau
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The most desirable fields of study in Poland 2022

Choosing a university is one of the most important decisions in your life. In addition to your own preferences, it is also worth paying attention to the perspectives of future studies. In this article, we present precisely the directions for which there is a huge demand in the labor market in Poland and in the world.


Architectural studies are particularly interdisciplinary and quite diverse. Graduates of architectural studies are prepared to work, among others, as: architects, interior designers, landscape architects, planners, town planners or building supervision inspectors. The study program includes theoretical and practical aspects of the architectural profession in a balanced way, with an emphasis on the creativity and design independence

Architecture studies in Poland are bachelor’s, engineering or master’s studies, the education program of which usually lasts from 3 to 4 years (first-cycle studies) or from 1.5 to 2 years (second-cycle studies) or 6 years (uniform master’s studies) and ends with a diploma (bachelor’s, engineer or master’s / master’s degree in engineering).


Studies in the field of exact sciences and engineering and technical sciences, the education program of which focuses on issues in the field of operating systems, computer networks, databases and programming.

Students will gain specialist knowledge in the field of, inter alia, algorithms, programming, databases, computer systems and networks, internet technologies and information systems design.

IT graduates very quickly find themselves in the current employment market, in particular as programmers, testers, graphic designers, front-end developers or network administrators.

Studies usually last from 3 to 4 years (first-cycle studies) or from 1.5 to 2 years (second-cycle studies) or 5 years (long-cycle studies) and end with obtaining a diploma (bachelor / engineer or master / master engineer) .


Every year, management is very popular, which makes it one of the most popular fields of study. This is due to the interdisciplinary nature of management, which means that it consists of many fields of science such as psychology, sociology, marketing, finance and economics.

During your studies you will gain knowledge, among others you will learn about the tactics of self-presentation and develop your creativity.

Graduates of the Management studies can find work in many companies and corporations, mainly in managerial positions. They will find themselves in many sectors, e.g. in local government and public administration, banking and industry, e.g. as a quality controller or management specialist.

Management studies are bachelor’s or master’s studies, the education program of which usually lasts 3 years (first-cycle studies) or 2 years (second-cycle studies) and ends with a diploma (bachelor’s or master’s degree).

Studies in the field of logistics are interdisciplinary in nature, but this field is primarily based on exact sciences. The logistician’s task is to effectively manage the flow of raw materials and materials and coordinate the supply chain so that the product is efficiently transported from the supplier to the final recipient. Logisticians find employment in many areas of the economy, including trade, services and shipping.


Logistics studies are bachelor’s, engineer’s or master’s studies, the education program of which usually lasts from 3 to 4 years (first-cycle studies) or from 1.5 to 2 years (second-cycle studies) or 5 years (long-cycle studies) and ends obtaining a diploma (bachelor’s, engineer or master’s degree).


Studying Information Technology Management gives you the skills confidently bridge the gap between IT and businesses. People with IT skills and business knowledge are in-demand

IT systems support business management processes. There is a great demand on the labor market for specialists in the field of computer science, who have both IT and business knowledge. Hence the idea to establish the major of IT Management (which is related to the field of management) for students.

IT Management is a major designed for people who are interested in IT-related issues and, being aware of their importance in business and everyday life, would like to apply the knowledge and skills gained at university in real business situations.


The aim of the studies is to provide students with knowledge of contemporary concepts and methods of tourism and hotel management, in particular planning, organizing and operating tourism activities, financial management in a tourism enterprise, formulating tourism development strategies in spatial terms as well as from the perspective of a tourism enterprise, creating tourist aimed offers and providing services to tourists, analysis of contemporary trends in tourism and hotel development.

The curriculum of the studies students to obtain knowledge useful for establishing their own tourism businesses as well as to deepen the knowledge useful for work in a tourism enterprise.

The course targets:

– owners and managers of hotel facilities (e.g. hotels, guest houses, agro-tourism farms),

– owners and managers of travel agencies (tour operators, travel agents and travel agencies),

– individuals who would like to set up their own businesses in the tourism and hotel sectors,

– employees of the public sector, local government administration, local tourism organizations responsible for development and promotion of tourism in the region.


Studies in the field of psychology are studies in the field of social sciences, humanities and health sciences, the education program of which focuses on the study of mechanisms governing mental phenomena and human behavior.

The main goal of educating students in the field of Psychology is the organization of knowledge and skills in recognizing, analyzing and naming psychological phenomena as well as planning, organizing, implementing and assessing the effects of various forms of psychological help in solving problems. Studies usually last 5 years (long-cycle studies) or 3 years (first-cycle studies) or 2 years (second-cycle studies) and end with obtaining a diploma (bachelor’s or master’s degree).


The skills and competences obtained during the studies allow graduates to accurately assess the economic mechanisms operating in modern economies, especially in the context of progressing globalization, as well as to use modern methods and qualitative and quantitative analyzes used to solve strategic, decision-making and operational problems for the development of the enterprise.

Economics graduates find their way to work in the financial, accounting and controlling departments of enterprises and research institutions, as well as in banks, leasing and insurance companies or in the media as an economic commentator.

Studies usually last 3 years (first-cycle studies) or 2 years (second-cycle studies) and end with obtaining a diploma (bachelor’s or master’s degree)


A graduate of the first degree studies in Finance and Accounting has professional knowledge in the field of finance, risk in finance, financial accounting and the functioning of financial institutions, including banks, insurance and investment companies, as well as public institutions. Has the ability to analyze the basic micro- and macroeconomic phenomena as well as the financial condition of households, enterprises and other organizations.

Studies in finance and accounting are bachelor’s or master’s degree studies, the education program of which usually lasts 3 years (first-cycle studies) or 2 years (second-cycle studies) and ends with a diploma (bachelor’s or master’s degree).


A computer graphic artist is a person who deals with the development of various visual elements with the help of graphics programs. On the one hand, you need artistic skills, and on the other, IT skills. The following types of computer graphics can be distinguished:

• illustrator, ie a specialist who prepares drawings and illustrations – a person in such a position can partially create drawings using the traditional technique (sheet, pencil), but nowadays it is usually necessary to know computer programs. Sometimes graphic designers also use graphics tablets;

• 3D graphic artist – his work consists in creating models that can later be used, for example, in animations, computer games;

• interface designer, i.e. a person who creates websites from a graphic point of view – such a specialist creates not only graphics, but often also menu and website navigation.

Studies are primarily a period that allows you to acquire knowledge, qualifications and skills, but also a time for development, creative ideas and making new friends. Completing one of the above-mentioned courses can become your asset and increase your chances of employment or higher salary.

Author: The Migration Bureau

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