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Young man considering idea of relocating to Poland and starting to work here. New possibilities, temporary residence permit.

Work permit in Poland Do you want to work in Poland?

Did you ever thought about working in Poland? Every year more people decide to develop their career in Poland. Why? Living in Poland can be a great adventure. You will have no trouble to communicate because a lot of people speak English. Also, we have low unemployment rate and the salaries are still growing. If you are thinking about moving to Poland you should remember that non-EU citizens needs permit to work legally in this country.

Work Permit type A is for a foreigners who work on the territory of Poland for an employer whose headquarters, place of residence or a department, institute or a another form of organized activity is located on the territory of Poland. The foreigners also have to legally resides in Poland. They need a visa, a Schengen visa, a temporary residence permit, on the basis of visa-free travel.


So, how to apply for permit? The employer applies for a work permit for a foreigner. A foreigner can perform only this work which is specified in the permit. If they want to change job they need new permit. Exception is when the same employee gives them different kind of work. In that case permit stays valid.


If your documents are in a foreign language, they have to be translated to Polish by a sworn translator.

Documents added to the application needs to be submitted in the original or officially certified for compliance with the originals (exceptions are identity card and passport).
Work permit type A will be issued if salary for work won’t be lower than the general salaries of employees in a similar position or other employees having similar job.

Your employer is applying for your permit, so you don’t have any additional costs.

How long permit is valid? It can be valid up to 3 years but it also depends on the contract with employer. Your work permits will finish in one year if you have contract for that period of time. If you decide next to get different job, the process needs to start again.



If you have work permit type A you can also apply for visa. In order to obtain a visa to perform work, a foreigner should attach a work permit or a written statement from the employer about the intention to entrust work to a foreigner if the work permit is not required.

Author: The Migration Bureau

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